Monday, March 21, 2005


Long Time No Post

The other day I met my postman. For some weird reason he knew me but I had no clue who he was. I think I see him about once a year around Diwali but thats it. And the weird thing is he probably sees way more people than I do. So either he's customer centric or I have a memory like a old ZX Spectrum. I suspect the latter is true. BTW does anyone still miss the Old Speccy ? I do miss the thrill of playing Zynaps and the trauma of loading programs from a tape recorder. Ah how I missed the instant joy of the Plus D and the 5 1/4 floppies. Dammit today some of the mega GB games on the PC take longer to load than those. Seems like we're coming full circle

And on another note Mom is here. Amazing what a man will do to change his lifestyle when a parent is around. Can hardly believe that I am doing what I am doing. Perhaps everyone in the office is right. I am ready to get married ? Decisions Decisions Decisions. Now only if someone decides to propose and end my trauma....

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