Saturday, July 23, 2005


Mera Bharat Mahan

Having just come back from a trip to Singapore I begin to appreciate India a lot more. Don't get me wrong - Singapore is like a model city. Clean roads, great food, good shopping blah blah but it just does not have the flavor which India has. For me the charm of India is the sheer unpredictability of life here. I like the fact that I have to have a conversation with the auto driver and the fact that he inflicts his choice of music on me. I also like the freedom which India bestows. A Office in India is a living breathing thing not rows and rows of cubicles with inmates in them And how come is it that Mustafas is filled with a million desis shopping @ 1:00 am ? Singlah!!!!

bunch of baloney ..freedom in india c'mon ? you are not even free to cut a tree on your OWN land unless you grease the hands of babus...i think the freedom we or shall i say you "indians" long for is shit at any place you like and make crap everywhere...remember your freedom ends where other ppls nose starts..but whom i telling the "indians" who look at most dirty country in the world and in denial say "mera bhart mahan" ..and civic duty is a phirang concept.. really pathetic :(
A few questions about the tree? is it still around or was another one planted in its stead where it didn't prove to be an impediment? Is it being used for firewood or was the wood sold to a timber mart and did you have to pay someone to cut it or did the babus with slippery palms do the needful. And did you get the tree cut in a way that a stump was left or were the roots dragged out leaving a gaping hole? Did you fill the hole up with cement or just plain mud and clay? What did you do with the leaves? Did you feed the cattle around town or did you burn them? Maybe they'd have been useful to the guys who "shit at anyplace they like and make crap everywhere" What kind of a tree was it? How old was it? What did you build over the area where the tree lived? Why did you want it cut? Why did you have to "grease the hands of babus"?
cheers boss
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