Saturday, August 06, 2005


Saturday Night 2 AM Blues

One of the downsides of living alone is that there isnt anyone to tell you. If I wasnt living alone there would be no way that I could home post lunch @ 4pm go to bed and then wake up at midnight. I would have been shaken awake @ 7pm, perhaps dinner and been in bed by midnight. Which brings me to the point that here I am awake at 2am wondering what to do. At 2 AM the only thing good on TV are the infomercials. And another thought - Are Dim Sum Lunches that good for you ? How many Dim Sums can a person eat ? (I can eat a lot but then I have the figure for it :)

Can you believe it? I'm still laughing hard a good 5 minutes after reading this post!

Was considering living alone myself and thought I'd read people's good and oh-so-pathetic experiences and so, chanced upon your blog. Succinct & entertaining posts...I like. *biiiiig smile*

How have you managed to stay alone all this while? And with a wit like yours, I'm surprised you don't have a special someone in your life!

Keep blogging! I'll be back to read some more. *grins*
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